Pet Emergency Services
We provide limited URGENT care during regular business hours. If your pet has a life-threatening emergency, please click here for some local ER options.
When to Go to An Emergency Vet
If your pet is exhibiting any of these symptoms, you may need to head to an emergency vet. Call ahead to ensure we (or the emergency hospital you are going to) can prepare for your arrival, and advise you on how to care for and safely transport your pet.
- Profuse bleeding
- Broken bones
- Loss of consciousness
- Seizures
- Bloody vomit or diarrhea
- Excessive diarrhea (usually a sign of dehydration)
- Rapid temperature fluctuation below 98 degrees F or above 105 degrees F
- Heat stroke (heavy panting, lethargy, rapid pulse, vomiting)
- Very weak or very rapid pulse
- Pale gums

How to Stabilize Your Pet in an Emergency
In some emergency vet situations, you may need to stabilize your pet before they can be safely transported to the hospital. If you have a second person who can ride to the hospital with you, that person can try to keep your pet calm during the trip.
- If your pet has an open wound that is bleeding, keep pressure on it with a bandage. If possible, keep the site of the wound elevated.
- If your pet is choking on a foreign object, you can attempt to remove it with your fingers. If this is not possible, try giving your pet a sharp rap on the chest. This is similar to the “Heimlich maneuver” which is performed on humans, and can sometimes dislodge a foreign object from the airway.
- CPR can be performed on dogs or cats if they stop breathing or their heart stops beating. Hold the pet’s mouth closed and blow into the nostrils at a ratio of one breath every three seconds. Administer three quick chest compressions per breath if your pet’s heart stops.
Be sure to call ahead during any emergency vet situation. Our staff can provide information over the phone to help you get your pet safely transported to our location.